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Conflict mineral management


We pledge to follow the requirements of the Responsible Minerals Initiative and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRA). We ask our global suppliers to truthfully disclose the use of smelters by completing the latest Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) form.

intro section

Zyxel conflict mineral management procedure

Establish material management process

Develop a process for managing conflict minerals

Prohibition statement

Publicly announce our stance against conflict minerals

Source survey form

Request suppliers to provide a source survey form

Supplier agreement

Suppliers commit to the prohibition of conflict minerals when signing procurement contracts


Our conflict mineral management process

Establish a conflict-free mineral policy and requirements
Incorporate conflict minerals into the supplier requirement and evaluation, and request suppliers to sign the Zyxel purchase contract and declaration to ensure its implementation
Define the scope of the investigation and carry out evaluations annually to trace the source of minerals used in the supply chain
Develop an annual supplier audit plan and track the improvement status of suppliers with low-performance
Take escalation actions immediately and request the suppliers to continue to address the critical issues until the risk is acceptable, otherwise suspend cooperation, as necessary

landing section

Our responsible supply chain strategy
